BEing vs. DOing

The other day I read something very “new-agey” about yoga.  The author said that yoga is being, not doing.  I immediately visualized the packing of my bags to trek to the Himalayas to meditate, to just be.  It made me chuckle. Reality set it.  It’s rare that a person of the modern world has an […]

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Transitions and Transformation

Change in our life comes in many different ways.  Sometimes we plan for the change.  A retirement, career change or getting married are examples of things that we often consciously choose.  And then some changes blow in like a strong wind taking with it any sense of order and stability.

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Can Yoga Help Seasonal Allergies?

As the trees and flowers burst into their spring brilliance, those who suffer from seasonal allergies quickly shift their immune systems into high gear to deal with the pollen.  It’s been a week of students walking into class with itchy, swollen eyes, runny noses, congestion, sinus headaches, coughing, worsening of asthma and fatigue.  “Can yoga […]

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Yoga for Boomers and Beyond

If yoga makes you think of pretzel poses, think again.  Yoga that is adapted for boomers and beyond offers many tools for optimal health.  It is a science that promotes physical fitness, physiological and emotional/mental health through yoga postures, breathing practices, deep relaxation, and other practices.

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My next purchase will be a telescope.  Until then, when the evening sky is clear, a few times a week you can find me standing in my yard, activating my Star Chart application and lifting my iPhone to the sky. I can now observe the intricate web of relationships between the stars, planets and galaxies, […]

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Why Yoga?

I recently presented to a small group of individuals who were curious about yoga.  Many in the group had heard about yoga, had watched yoga DVD’s, or had friends or relatives interested in yoga.

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