Studio Update Covid-19: Staying Present – Moving Forward
We want to take time to thank you for your support of the studio’s transition to online classes during the pandemic. Our number one concern is the safety of every student, customer, teacher trainee, employee, and teacher. We know that technology has its own unique set of challenges, but we hope that you have found your way back to practicing with your favorite teachers and friends.
Our schedule looks different to assure staffing support for technology and to provide varied offerings for Safer At Home schedules. We plan to continue in the on-line environment for the foreseeable future. We are also excited to continue to look for new and varied ways to expand our online offerings, including some special events, concerts and workshops.
It is hard to predict how operating in the studio will work going forward. Rest assured, safety is our main intention and the best public health science available will guide when and how we re-open. Yet we look forward to the time when we can welcome you back into the studio in person to continue to help you with your health and wellness journey. When the time is right, we will be ready.
Many of you expressed interest in continuing to have some online classes even once the studio is re-opened. We hear you and we will explore all suggestions. Inclusion in our offerings is important to us and everyone has different needs and abilities to attend the studio. Some of you may feel at higher risk during business reopening and we want to support you as much as we can.
Many people in our community are struggling with the pandemic, all in their own unique way. We hope that you can use your practice to be strong and steady for yourself and to help others. We have no other option than to get through this together as a community.
We deeply appreciate your referrals to 5 Koshas. There are options available to those who may be in financial distress. If you know someone who needs our services, please encourage them to connect with us at: office@5koshasyoga.com. Staying strong, stable, compassionate and balanced in perspective is more important now than ever before.
With our deepest gratitude,
Jay, Heather, Andrew, Mary