Sweet Dreams: Yoga for Better Sleep & Daytime Energy
“When sleep escapes you and drowsiness and fuzzy thinking are your daytime companions, it’s time to evaluate what action you can take to improve sleep. Mind-body practices, including yoga, can improve sleep and daytime energy.”
The roots of sleeplessness may be related to age, stress, hormonal changes, pain, digestive distress, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, other health issues, treatments, medications, exercise (lack of or timing), diet, or lifestyle. Yoga is especially helpful for reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, digestive distress and menopause that often make it difficult to fall asleep or interrupt sleep. In addition, yoga can be used to reduce daytime fatigue caused by poor sleep.
The tools of Yoga Therapy are skillfully applied based on the characteristics of sleeplessness and resulting fatigue. Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others wake in the middle of the night. A common pattern that arises with age is early waking. And some individuals sleep for 8 hours yet never feel rested and refreshed.
Yoga Therapy tools that may be used for sleeplessness include yoga postures, breath adaptation in the postures, breathing practices, guided relaxation, meditation, or sound. The tools of yoga can be applied for your particular pattern of sleeplessness and might include:
- Setting the stage for better sleep with exercise, nutrition and yoga techniques
- Yoga techniques for falling asleep
- What to do when you wake during the night
- What to do if you experience waking early
- Quick and easy techniques for dealing with daytime fatigue
- Changing your relationship with your sleeplessness.
An important aspect of Yoga Therapy is to better understand what helps and what aggravates a particular condition. Through newfound awareness, we can apply the highest value yoga tools in efficient and effective ways to improve your life. Being able to fall asleep or having better daytime energy can drastically transform productivity and overall enjoyment of life.
One of the most common experiences of sleeplessness is not being able to fall asleep because of stress and repetitive negative or worrisome thoughts. Some movement with adapted breathing may be helpful right before bed.
Try Apanasana (Gas-Relieving Pose) right before bed to relax, relieve any digestive distress and stretch your low back. You can do it on your bed or on the floor. Repeat the posture 6 times, lengthening your exhale every 2 repetitions.
Try Yogic Sheep Counting Method right before bed or if you wake during the night. Do the technique either in a seated position or relaxing on your back in bed:
Inhale 1 second, Exhale 1 second X1
Inhale 2 seconds, Exhale 2 seconds X1
Inhale 3 seconds, Exhale 3 seconds X1
Inhale 4 seconds, Exhale 4 seconds X1
Inhale 4 seconds, Exhale 5 seconds X1
Inhale 4 seconds, Exhale 6 seconds X1
Inhale 4 seconds, Exhale 7 seconds X1
Inhale 4 seconds, Exhale 8 seconds X1
Repeat this exercise for several rounds until you feel sleepy.
Whether you need better sleep, more sleep, or better energy during the day, your yoga toolbox has options for skillful action. You can learn how to use the tools for sweet dreams at night and vitality and clear thinking during the day.
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