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“Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking…” -Antonio Machado

I am a Mother, farmer, student and teacher of Yoga. The practice of Yoga has served as a formative companion to me throughout much of my life. At the age of 16, I began earnestly exploring the practice as a means of stress reduction. Slowly the practice evolved into something more physical, and then spiritual, and then contemplative, back to physical, back to spiritual, back to contemplative, and so on and so forth. 

I have followed the teachings of Yoga and teachers of it  throughout the States as well as globally. In 2015, I earned my YTT-200 from Aubree Saia, a Prana Vinyasa affiliate. Another significant teacher on my path is Meg Abene Newlin, who introduced me to the function and benefit of Hatha Yoga. Tias Little, of Prajna Yoga, has also been of influence to me in my studentship. 

The practice and its impact on my life have proven dynamic and trusted. To sum it up concisely, if ever it were possible, Yoga is a touchstone for me whereby I can remember who I have been, who I currently am, and hold space  for the  mystery of who I am becoming.

Practice with Nelle is focused on breath-centered movement and clear alignment cues. You can expect movement and flow through asana as well as static holds. The mood is playfully curious, yet earnest, with plenty of modifications for all seasons of practitioner. Classes will end with a generous Savasana and opportunity for a reflective meditation. May this offering ignite your inner wisdom and well-being.