How Should You Practice Yoga Postures?  

Effort and Ease Practicing yoga postures can help us cultivate the very useful skill of being at ease even when something is difficult.  We can learn to be present with opposing forces when practicing the physical postures of yoga (asana) and in daily life.

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Yoga, MS & Neurological Conditions

Yoga can be a helpful practice of self-care for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological conditions (such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, Lyme’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease). Yoga practices such as gentle postures, seated breathing practices, hand movements, guided relaxation, sound, and meditation can be adapted to help people with neurological […]

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‘Eggs’straordinary Asparagus Frittata

We’re kicking off our local food and nutrition blog at 5 Koshas Yoga & Wellness by paying homage to that versatile, portable, nutritious, spheroid packet of protein…the egg.  There is no better time than Easter to feature eggs as we all color, decorate, hide, and hopefully find them.

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Prenatal Yoga for Happy Moms and Babies

Can prenatal yoga help reduce depression during pregnancy?  A small pilot study published in Womens Health Issues (March-April 2015) demonstrated that a 10-week prenatal yoga program decreased the participants’ depression severity significantly.

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The Yoga of Heart: A Simple Practice

We all exist within our own unique expression of physical structure, physiology, mind, personality and heart. These layers of our being, also known as the koshas or sheaths or layers of being, provide a passageway into our deep center, the cave of our heart.

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Sweet Slumber: Yoga for Better Sleep

When sleep escapes you and fatigue is your daytime companion, it’s time to evaluate what action you can take to improve sleep. Your yoga toolbox has many tools but you need to know which ones to apply to your situation.

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Renew Again Every Day

Yoga is a daily renewal, a practice of stopping, slowing down, breathing and moving consciously, witnessing thoughts, and setting or renewing intentions. This daily renewal might be just 5 minutes of conscious breathing, 10 minutes of meditation, or a 20 minute yoga posture practice that helps you prepare for or unwind from your day. Whatever […]

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Breathe Your Way to Vitality & Stress Reduction

I’m a skeptic.  I’m not into the latest diet craze, exercise routine, electronic device or trendy clothing designer.  I don’t own a purse that costs more than the monthly home mortgage.  But I am into science and I love what research continues to teach us about our experiences as human beings.  I was skeptical but […]

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Using Yoga for EmBODIED Awareness

Conscious Eating, Active Living, Habit Change Can the tools of yoga help us change our habits?  Yoga is a powerful practice for transformation and change.  The tools of yoga can be applied in specific ways to help us strengthen will and change habits around food, exercise and body image.

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Cultivating Contentment

con·tent·ment noun kən-ˈtent-mənt : the state of being happy and satisfied : the state of being content We all want happiness and contentment.  My teacher, Gary Kraftsow, says that santosha, the Sanskrit word for contentment, is “the way you take experience.”  It’s an internal state of mind and attitude that permeates your internal being, words and actions.

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